Lead by example. Multiply your impact.
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Why donate with PatronBadge
Keep track of your impact
Collect badges to track the history of your patronage and easily follow the projects you care about.
Get rewards for your contribution
Every time you donate to projects through us, you get a unique digital badge to recognize your contribution.
Set an example to follow
Invite your friends to donate with two clicks when you share your badges on social media.
Keep track of your impact
Collect badges to track the history of your patronage and easily follow the projects you care about.
Get rewards for your contribution
Every time you donate to projects through us, you get a unique digital badge to recognize your contribution.
Set an example to follow
Invite your friends to donate with two clicks when you share your badges on social media.
What is the story behind PatronBadge?
How does it work?
Is donating to a charity via Patron Badge different from donating to it directly?
Where can I find the list of all my badges?
Who can register?
About PatronBadge

PatronBadge.com is a platform founded by a team of Ukrainians to help charitable organizations with fundraising and promote charity in Ukraine and around the world.

The main mission of patronbadge.com is to reward donors and volunteers for their contributions and encourage people to support more social projects and charitable organizations. We do this by issuing unique, digital badges to donors for each donation. The badges contain a unique picture, the name of the project, and the donor's name. The donor can collect the received badges on their page and easily share them on social media, encouraging friends to support the project.

We want to see a world where good deeds are a status symbol, not the latest iPhone or Louis Vuitton handbag. Therefore, rewarding donors is the first step in this direction.

Helping you make the world better
No fees, no delays
Your donation is immediately deposited to the charity account with zero fees
Verified projects
All projects and charities are verified by our team
Ways to donate that work for you
Credit cards, PayPal, subscriptions, and multiple currencies
Contact us!
If you have have any questions please do not hesitate to communicate with our team and we will get back to you within the next 48 hours.
We’ll never share your details. See our Privacy Policy.
We’ll never share your details. See our Privacy Policy.
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